Is it really for nothing as we toil for our dreams ?
Is there no reason for my existence, as it all may seem ?
Except to know one day that "I am" - a mere illusion ?
The shadow of a fleeting wave atop an ocean ?
Before I can get a hold of the present
It has already become the past
What kind of a future can I ever have ?
When my glimpse of the moment just does not last !
What is this "glimpse of the moment" ?
The glimpse of the moment ...?
Is it ...
where the "thinker" disappears
where dispossessed thoughts pounce upon each other,
all collapsed in a heap ... between the ears ?
. >
Throw a pebble into a pond.
Watch the growing circle rippling through the water surface.
. . . . . .>
There are changes in its form. These changes imply a passage of time. Without the apparent change there would be no feeling of time.
In other words, "Time = Change".
YEE KING is an oriental manual about change. It is about time, about perception and about perspectives.
In 3-dimensional space we can organise our surrounding, our home, our office to our best advantage. If we stretch our brain a little and add a 4th dimension: time, we can soon see that millions and zillions of 3-dimensional scenes can also be stringed together and arranged in different ways, just like pieces of furniture in a room. Here the room would be what we consider our existence, and the furnitures are in fact our daily life events. They too can be selected and organised in different ways, and for our great benefit if we know how.
As we flip from one page of life to the next, our memory connects all the separate images together and creates the illusion of a passage of time. By shifting our focus and altering our perspective, we can actually choose what the next page will be in our illusive existence. All the possible life scenes are already there , somewhere in the air. Just pick what we want, pull them down and put them through the personal projecting device we call "our eyes", and sit back and enjoy a great ride in our comfy chair !
The best way to know the Yee King is to experience it directly. Here is what you can do:
* Find a quiet place. Prepare a receptive mind by thinking about a matter that is of interest to you. The more important it is to you the better result you will get out of this experiment. Write down a question about the matter, as if you are seeking opinion from a friend. (Don't limit your possibilities by asking the yes/no type of questions ).
* Use three coins of the same kind (for example 10 cent pieces). Shake the coins in your hands and let them drop. Record the number of heads that come up for the throw. Cast the coins in this manner six times. The result should look some thing like this: 1,0,2,3,1,0 ,which means 1 head for the 1st throw, no head for the 2nd , 2 heads for the 3rd, and 3 heads for the 4th throw, etc.
* At this point you can either:
1. Obtain a book on Yee King (or I Ching). Follow its instructions and work out how to construct a "hexagram" from the result of your coin throws, then read the comments that go with the relevant hexagram, or
2. Visit the following Internet web site:
There you can download some free software that would assist you in constructing and interpreting the Yee King hexagrams, the symbols of your ever-changing reality.
is not that it's a Divine Comedy
but that
"the joke ... is on you and me"
Bill Hicks... wrote:
"The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it, you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question, is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride..." And we... kill those people. "We have a lot invested in this ride. Shut him up. Look at my furrows of worry. Look at my big bank account and my family. This just has to be real." Just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter because: It's just a ride. And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money. A choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money that we spend on weapons and defences each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace. Thank you very much, you've been great."
truth has nothing to do with being more actively present, being more accepting or compassionate or loving. It is the complete and utter falling away of the illusion that there is someone there that needs to be enlightened in the first place. The emphasis here is not on this occurring as a thought inside of someone head. Rather it is that in the absolute there is only the absolute.
That means there is no you, no we, no others. That is what dissipates in an implosion / explosion which starts of in mind and ends with no self.
There is only one. This one, sometimes described as the Absolute, God or Stillness, Emptiness and so on appears as everything. The appearance is not the reality, it is holy yes, but it is not the reality in the truest sense of the word. The appearance is the absolute as a limited illusory form.
We can always say that the appearance is not that, because every appearance, every experience is always mired in duality. An object there and a perceiver here. Duality is not a bad thing by the way. It should be remembered that duality is a manifestation from the absolute.
Which leads back to an earlier point. It is that seekers tendency is to possess. So they make a story up that there is thing over there called enlightenment which is non dual and there is a thing over here called me which is dual, but wants to be non-dual. A seeker wants to possess non-duality in other words, which always makes two and never ever can be one.
To discover truth then, one must begin a process of deconstruction of the self. The way to do that is to engage in self awareness, but self awareness that does not bolster the ego or better put does it with the least amount of ego bolstering as possible.
What is ego? Ego is you. It isn’t an arrogance thing as is commonly conveyed. Ego is your thoughts, your emotions, your physical sensations, your experiences. It is everything you believe in, including notions of enlightenment.
You dwindle yourself away by examining yourself and seeing the untruth of what you take yourself to be.
You as such cannot be successful at attaining enlightenment. What starts off on the path is not what ends up as enlightenment. That is why the butterfly analogy is often used. A butterfly in comparison to a caterpillar is of an entirely different order and magnitude. You cannot kill the caterpillar that you are for if you did then it will never transform into a butterfly. An analogy would be, if a caterpillar committed suicide, then it would not magically transform into a butterfly.
It is the same on this pathless path. Ego cannot kill ego, because it’s always ego doing the killing. Likewise someone else cannot kill ego for you. If something else killed the caterpillar, then the caterpillar would not become a butterfly.
What does one do then? They prepare themselves as best as they can to become a butterfly. A caterpillar takes care of itself, it eats the right food, stays out of harm’s way as best as it can and lets what must inevitability occur, occur.
Why Maya was created?
Questions like this are completely useless to a seeker
Maya was not created? it just is...
There was never a moment in time when there was a creation of separation.
Rather it is that Maya is the absolute. As such it is also beyond time.
The reality is that nothing has been created ever. It cannot have been because there never was an actual moment in time for creation to occur. We can say from our perspective there appears to be time and it appears to be moving forward, but that is a perception not a statement of truth. Maya exists because it is the absolute. As such, there is no reason for its existence. There is no reason for Maya. Rather it just is...
One way to conceptualize it then is to imagine everything that has ever happened, everything that ever will happen and everything that is happening right now. Imagine then that there was a being and that all these things were part of the being. Everything constitutes that being. Both in form and as the formless. To us it may seem like there are countless different human beings, trees, objects stars etc, but from the vantage point of the absolute, these are all it. Further, there is no us to be differentiating between things, from ultimate reality.
Now you may wonder why didn’t the Absolute give everyone awareness of this fact? But you’re missing it, there is no everyone, there is only the absolute and essentially that is the illusion. All that happens when enlightenment occurs is that someone trips over this fact, usually by pounding their head against a brick wall for long stretches of time and then wonders how they could possibly have missed something so obvious.
[/quote]A travel warning for intending earth visitors:
" there is now a new wave of pollution on the planet of Terra
and no, it's not cars' exhaust fume
nor planes' smoke flares
it's the stench of terror in the air .
... delivered to your door with the daily newspaper ! "
It's hard enough to concentrate ...
To be mindful that you are focusing ...
.. .simply too complicated ?
"Concentration and mindfulness are distinctly different functions. They each have their role to play in meditation, and the relationship between them is definite and delicate. Concentration is often called one-pointedness of mind. It consists of forcing the mind to remain on one static point. Please note the word FORCE. Concentration is pretty much a forced type of activity. It can be developed by force, by sheer unremitting willpower. And once developed, it retains some of that forced flavor. Mindfulness, on the other hand, is a delicate function leading to refined sensibilities. These two are partners in the job of meditation.
Really deep concentration can only take place under certain specific conditions. Buddhists go to a lot of trouble to build meditation halls and monasteries. Their main purpose is to create a physical environment free of distractions in which to learn this skill. No noise, no interruptions. ....
Mindfulness, on the other hand, is free from all these drawbacks. Mindfulness is not dependent on any such particular circumstance, physical or otherwise. It is a pure noticing factor. Thus it is free to notice whatever comes up -- lust, hatred, or noise. Mindfulness is not limited by any condition. It exists to some extent in every moment, in every circumstance that arises. Also, mindfulness has no fixed object of focus. It observes change. Thus it has an unlimited number of objects of attention. It just looks at whatever is passing through the mind and it does not categorize. Distractions and interruptions are noticed with the same amount of attention as the formal objects of meditation. ....."
Tired of being gnawed by conscience ?
- Keep no dogma .
Want to be free from pain & collision ?
- Don't own a car .
"There is no such thing as good Karma or bad Karma, there is just Karma caught in the duality of opposites.
To be free of karma is not to do compassionate deeds or work more towards being more loving. It is to be the stillness that watches the movement in mind. In this way karmic patterns do not affect us since we are not doing, rather things are just being done without identification with what is being done. Which is where the concept of no doer comes in. That is really freedom from Karma; when the identification with a personal doer drops. Then the thought or emotion or sensation has no intra-psychic charge which is really what Karma is. Until then everyone is bound by karma regardless of what they do."
The day the story of my worries ends
Time packs its clock away and quits.
Outside my window the trees no longer quiver and bend
Leaving the wind to howl alone, in fits.
The day the story of my foibles finishes
Fate stops its act, disappears, leaving no clue
Gone also are my performing masks, all dreams and wishes
Laying bare the long-hidden ghost, plain and true ...
No matter how much I wish
To control "the desire to be in control"
Can I do any better than a fish
Trying not to ... wet his water hole ?
... too busy chasing the elusive truth,
I've wasted the opportunity to enjoy my eternal youth ... !
The sun
- does it ever rise ? and does it really set ?
Or are we the ones that go round and round
and for our convenience we choose to forget ?
- does it really fly ? does it ever pass ?
Against the flowing sand of our mind
it stands like an hour-glass.
Our soul
- will it ever die ? since when was it born ?
A bubbling fragment of some fractal reality ?
lifetime after lifetime dream-borne .
Our questions,
- can test the faith in things sublime.
Shall we wait for the answers to come ...
some day , in the fullness of time ?
How many characters
do you need
to make up "ONENESS" ?
- If you're English, it'll take seven
If you're Chinese, only one
If you're like me, clueless and having no character,
... will just never make it !
What you see, is not .. what is
Try and look , with one eye only
Then at least, there would be no confusion
That can arise from
So just how real is your reality ?
Is it as real as the news shown on TV ?
What if you changed your channel to CBS
Perhaps the world will no longer be such a mess ?
Come to think of it, I'm not even original
My words are borrowed, my thoughts - oh dear, all recycled !
My pain , my pleasure: cleverly programmed, groomed, and taught
In a temporal 3D container, neatly sealed and caught
Then just to be sure, I was given a self-centered mind
Completed with narrow tunnel-vision, just as good as blind
And in this mode, I was set out to sail the globe
Somewhere a gigantic wheel keeps turning,
ever tightening the rope
If I had been given wings, I'd have long flown away
My wooden legs had left me ... stranded right here on clay
The only move I can do now is imagination !
... After all my inscrutable maker did have some compassion
Thank you Father
... for the priceless gift.
a tight rope for growth
where the game is to juggle
reality and sanity
without losing them both ?
Reality :
Aahhh... there are so many recipes!
Some we can buy ... expertly-cooked, with 10-year warranty !
Even create our own if we're good
Just have to remember :
.... "Be smart, or be food" !
Sanity :
Ohhh ... which version ? let's see
The "label" , as a rule, is decided by the majority
To be outnumbered is to be officially mad
Democracy can make you very sane, but sad !
While dreaming, I felt so sure I was awake
Upon wakening, I realised it's all a dream
So ...
Am I dreaming, or am I awake ?
Does it matter,
... as long as I find the ... (... woman / man / love / thing ...) ... of my dream !
A tiny distance from here,
and a short moment from now
I can hear Eternity and Infinity having a row:
Time bellows ,
" .. T o o . . . S l o w w w "
Space echoes !
If the illusion weaved by the mind were to drop
Would space collapse
and time stop ?
It's not money but love that speaks all languages
It's not poetry but the love within you that lights up all images
But even with love there are different shades and kinds
Some can take you to the moon ...
some would leave you broken, drunk and blind !
Heals all wounds ?
wounds all heels !
+ + + + + +
Chop it into bits:
There ,
No more string !
B . timeless = B . free
("I think, therefore I exist")
What's the logic in this ?
First start out by assuming that
There's an "I" that is thinking
then just because that
there's an "I" that is thinking
it follows that "I" exist ?
Chasing one's own tail sure is tiring.
Who cares whether
I exist or not ?
Truth exists, "I" don't !
(Tao Te Ching)
The Way that can be spoken of , Is not the lasting way
The Name that can be named, Is not the enduring name.
Heaven & Earth started out with no labels
But then the named stuff appeared in thousands
To see through the mystery, just don't desire anything
Some bright i-entrepreneurs made millions by going YAHOOOO ....
Other e-intellectuals declared themselves : " O'Golly " !
With just a poor half-poet brain, oh what else can I do ?
Except sticking to the plain garden variety :
One bite
Two bits
Three cries
Four hits
Too many words !
Not enough zen ?
Toss it ?
Sure can .