Saturday, September 1, 2007

The funny thing about TRUTH ...

.. is that ....
... it's a no-man land !

What is truth ?



truth has nothing to do with being more actively present, being more accepting or compassionate or loving. It is the complete and utter falling away of the illusion that there is someone there that needs to be enlightened in the first place. The emphasis here is not on this occurring as a thought inside of someone head. Rather it is that in the absolute there is only the absolute.

That means there is no you, no we, no others. That is what dissipates in an implosion / explosion which starts of in mind and ends with no self.

There is only one. This one, sometimes described as the Absolute, God or Stillness, Emptiness and so on appears as everything. The appearance is not the reality, it is holy yes, but it is not the reality in the truest sense of the word. The appearance is the absolute as a limited illusory form.

We can always say that the appearance is not that, because every appearance, every experience is always mired in duality. An object there and a perceiver here. Duality is not a bad thing by the way. It should be remembered that duality is a manifestation from the absolute.

Which leads back to an earlier point. It is that seekers tendency is to possess. So they make a story up that there is thing over there called enlightenment which is non dual and there is a thing over here called me which is dual, but wants to be non-dual. A seeker wants to possess non-duality in other words, which always makes two and never ever can be one.

To discover truth then, one must begin a process of deconstruction of the self. The way to do that is to engage in self awareness, but self awareness that does not bolster the ego or better put does it with the least amount of ego bolstering as possible.

What is ego? Ego is you. It isn’t an arrogance thing as is commonly conveyed. Ego is your thoughts, your emotions, your physical sensations, your experiences. It is everything you believe in, including notions of enlightenment.

You dwindle yourself away by examining yourself and seeing the untruth of what you take yourself to be.

You as such cannot be successful at attaining enlightenment. What starts off on the path is not what ends up as enlightenment. That is why the butterfly analogy is often used. A butterfly in comparison to a caterpillar is of an entirely different order and magnitude. You cannot kill the caterpillar that you are for if you did then it will never transform into a butterfly. An analogy would be, if a caterpillar committed suicide, then it would not magically transform into a butterfly.

It is the same on this pathless path. Ego cannot kill ego, because it’s always ego doing the killing. Likewise someone else cannot kill ego for you. If something else killed the caterpillar, then the caterpillar would not become a butterfly.

What does one do then? They prepare themselves as best as they can to become a butterfly. A caterpillar takes care of itself, it eats the right food, stays out of harm’s way as best as it can and lets what must inevitability occur, occur.



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