Saturday, September 1, 2007

A poor man's way to liberation


Tired of being gnawed by conscience ?

- Keep no dogma .

Want to be free from pain & collision ?

- Don't own a car .


"There is no such thing as good Karma or bad Karma, there is just Karma caught in the duality of opposites.

To be free of karma is not to do compassionate deeds or work more towards being more loving. It is to be the stillness that watches the movement in mind. In this way karmic patterns do not affect us since we are not doing, rather things are just being done without identification with what is being done. Which is where the concept of no doer comes in. That is really freedom from Karma; when the identification with a personal doer drops. Then the thought or emotion or sensation has no intra-psychic charge which is really what Karma is. Until then everyone is bound by karma regardless of what they do."


Karma unmasked

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